Wednesday, July 30, 2014

18 months

Stats:  At my 18 month appointment, I'm 31lbs 5oz (99%), 34.75 inches (99%), 19.5 inch head circumference (95%).  I'm wearing mostly 24 month and 2T clothes.      

Days:  Still waking up anywhere from 7:00-8:00, eating a little breakfast, playing, and off to school around 9:30.  There, I play with classmates, have a morning snack, play some more, eat lunch, and go down for a nap that's usually an hour and a half.  I'm always so tired, I don't even ask for my pacifier.  Still going to the park on nice days after school.  Climbing stairs and sliding are favorites.  An afternoon nap around 4:30 is rare, but occasional. 

The Physical:  Turning into an expert walker, runner, and climber.  More likely to hold your hand these days, for a second, and still plopping down when I don't want to go with you.  I'm up to 14 teeth!  Seven on top and seven on bottom.  Some new tricks I have are putting my hands together to pray, pointing to body parts, and blowing bubbles in the tub.  This month I also went to swim lessons for a week and was, by far, not the whiniest one.  #winning

The Verbal:  I'm saying about 30 words, including Nooooooooo.  Mom's favorite.    

Food:  Still drinking lots of whole milk every day, and eating whatever's being cooked for dinner.  Favorites are string cheese, grapes from our garden, pasta, peaches, oranges.  Still working on vegetable consumption.  Broccoli and cheese at school are okay.

Toys: Still loving any kind of ball.  Working on throwing and kicking.  Books are fun, especially ones about farms.  Playing with the John Deere tractor a lot, and sliding down the mini slide in the living room.

Baths:  Baths are still awesome, with more splashing than ever.  Finally in the big tub.  

Nights:  Dinner around 5:30-6:30, bath, bed by 7:30-8:00.  Attempted to get rid of the pacifier a few weeks ago.  Fail.  Trying again soon.  Favorite dog pacifier died in May, so that's probably a sign.  Still using the sound/movie machine, and staying asleep all night for 12-13 hours.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

1 year

Stats:  At my 1 year appointment, I'm 24lbs 8oz (75%), 31 inches (90%), 18.5 inch head circumference (80%).  I can still wear some 9-12m things, but mostly I'm in 12-18.    

Days:  Waking up anywhere from 7:00-8:00, eating a little breakfast, playing, and off to school around 9:30.  There, I play with classmates, have a morning snack, play some more, eat lunch, and go down for a nap that lasts an hour or so.  We've been going to Wilson Park to swing on nice days after school.  An evening nap around 5:00 is hit or miss.  We still go on a two mile stroll around the neighborhood lots of days.  

The Physical:  I started walking at exactly 10 months!  I still fall once in a while, especially on uneven terrain, but I'm mostly really good at getting around.  I usually don't want you to hold my hand, and if I don't want to go any farther, I'll plop down on the ground.  It's hilarious.  I also have five teeth!  Two bottom, three top.  (Update:  At 14 months, I now have nine teeth.  Four bottom, five top.  Two are top molars.  That happened fast!)  Some new tricks I have are clapping when someone says yay, blowing kisses on demand, and if someone says hello, I put my hand up to my ear because obviously I'm receiving a phone call.

The Verbal:  My vocabulary these days consists of (in varying degrees of clarity):  mama, dada, dog, ball, choo choo, hi, hello, uh oh, and yay.  I know what the word milk means, but am not saying it.    

Food:  Around 12-16 ounces of milk a day, along with whatever food the big people are eating.  Favorites are string cheese, cheerios, grapes (green only!), pasta, bread, peaches, oranges.  Still hate vegetables, but Mom and Dad are trying really hard to make me like them.  Feel free to call CPS about this.

Toys:  Still a big fan of the activity table and toy laptop.  I love a ball and like to dunk the basketball into my tiny basketball goal.  I also love books, but only if I am the only one turning the pages.  I still steal remotes and phones of the unsuspecting.  I love my stacking cups and rings, my over-sized alligators that I can lay on, and anything that makes noise when I bang it on the wall.  My teacher says I'm musical because I always play the Little Tykes piano at school.

Baths:  Baths are still awesome.  I splash a lot because this is my job.  My inflatable tub is now in the big tub, and there's more room than ever for my 117 bath toys to spread out.  

Nights:  After dinner and a bath around 7:00, I play for 30 minutes to an hour.  They hold me for a few minutes while I wind down, then it's time for the crib.  If I'm not sleepy enough, I'll toss everything out of my crib except my favorite dog pacifier.  Yes, I have two, and no, I'm not fooled by the new one.  Impostor.  I have a new sound machine that plays white noise and projects circling images on the ceiling.  Sometimes I takes me a while to close my eyes, but I don't fuss.  I stay asleep most of the time from 12-13 hours.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

9 months

Stats:  At my 9 month appointment, I'm 21lbs 1oz (60%), 29.75 inches (90%), 17.9 inch head circumference (60%).  Pretty much in 9-12 clothes now.   

Days:  Waking up around 7:30, eating, and back down for a nap around 8:30 or 9:00.  Eating about every three hours or so, for a total of 30 ounces.  Taking two or three naps a day, ranging from an hour to two and a half hours, with the evening nap being hit or miss.  I spend most of my awake time quickly crawling everywhere, especially to the window to look outside.  Then I pull myself up and stand there for a while.  We still go on a two mile stroll around the neighborhood lots of days.  The big difference now is that the nanny and her toddler come to watch me during the afternoon. 

The Physical:  I started crawling at exactly 8 months!  Once I figured that out, things really got fun around here.  Now I'm pulling up on everything I can, and then letting go and testing my balance.  A few days before I turned 9 months, I stood up by myself without holding onto anything at all.  I stayed there for about 30 seconds.  I also have four teeth!  Two bottom, two top.  They came in at 6 months, 7 months, and the last two at 8 months.

The Verbal:  I'm doing lots of grunting lately, like a caveman.  I also squeal loudly when I get excited about something, most often when dad comes into the room.  I'm super ticklish, and have a huge grin that shows off my teeth.

Food:  Five bottles a day and still loving baby food.  Eating about six ounces of purees.  Vegetables, fruit, yogurt, and some meat mixed in.  I'm finally getting the hang of grabbing puffs and yogurt melts and getting them into my mouth.

Toys:  Favorites lately include the activity table that lights up, makes sounds, and is annoying to everyone but small children, anything that spins when I touch it, my toy laptop, and of course, any real remotes and phones I can get my hands on while no one is looking.  The swing has been taken down, and I'm too big for the bouncer now.  I like my exersaucer for short periods of time.

Baths:  Still loving bath time.  I splash around and make sure to get everything good and soaked.  I'm in an inflatable tub that sits on the counter.  I'm not a big fan of getting out and getting dressed, because that's when they attack me with lotion.

Nights:  After a bath and bottle around 7:00, I get a little baby food and play in the floor for a few more minutes.  I've been in the crib since about 7 months and now I'm in a sleep sack instead of a swaddle.  Mom and Dad stay in my room a little while after putting me in my crib.  I stand up and fall down and bounce around to keep them entertained.  I'm still a big fan of white noise and also a sound machine that plays music in the crib.  Sometimes I takes me a while to close my eyes, but I don't fuss.  I stay asleep most of the time from 7:30-7:30 and wake up happy and ready to start the day. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

6 Months

Stats:  At my 6 month appointment, I'm 17lbs 4oz (50%), 26.25 inches (50%), 17.5 inch head circumference (75%).  Still squeezing into some 3m things, a few 3-6m things, but mostly 6m or 6-9m.  Depends on brand as always, which I hear is making it slightly difficult for Mom to accumulate a football season wardrobe for me. 
Days:  Waking up around 7:00, eating, and back down for a nap around 8:00.  Eating about every three hours or so, for a total of 30 ounces.  Taking about three good naps a day, ranging from an hour to two and a half hours, with the evening nap being hit or miss.  I spend most of my awake time playing with toys on the floor now that I'm sitting up alone.  We still go on a two mile stroll around the neighborhood most days, and I'm out of the infant bucket and sitting up facing forward. 
The Physical:  Sitting up alone!  I still hate being on my stomach.  The pediatrician said it's okay.  It's not that big of a deal.  I'd rather sit up or play on my back.  I rolled over for the first time from front to back at 4 months, but I only do it when I feel like it.  I'm reaching for and grabbing everything I can get my hands on.  I still like to stand up with someone holding me.  The doctor thinks I'll be getting a tooth in a couple of weeks.
The Verbal:  I'm getting more and more chatty.  I like to hear my voice and I'll make noises when you talk to me.  I let out a high pitch squeak when I get excited or too tired.  I laugh a lot, and I smile at most people I meet.   
Food:  I started solids!  So far I love apples, blueberries, bananas, mango, and peaches are possibly my favorite.  I've also had carrots and sweet potatoes, which I loved.  Tried peas.  Decided that no, peas are not going to happen.
Toys:  I'm all about toys these days. I really like my books, toys with rattles, and Sophie the giraffe, who squeaks.  I'm in the bouncer seat less and less, opting for the floor instead.  I like to be in the swing during the evening before my bath.
Baths:  Still loving bath time.  I don't even fuss usually when getting undressed.  I like looking at myself in the mirror while I'm getting a bath, but I'm probably outgrowing the whale tub soon.  Hopefully the inflatable tub will fit on the countertop, too, so I can keep looking at myself and staying entertained.
Nights:  After a bath and bottle around 7pm, Mom or Dad read a book to me.  I lay in the Rock N Play and smile and laugh.  I'm still in the swaddle all night.  Maybe one of these days I won't need it.  I stay asleep most of the time from 7:30ish-7:00.  Once in a while I'll wake up and realize I don't have my pacifier, and I make someone give it back to me.  Overall, I'm a great sleeper and wake up super excited for the day.  I'm definitely the most "morning person" around here.

Week 26 Roundup

Time to recap a little of what we've been up to around here, according to Barton.

So far this summer, I:
  • Went to my first Block Street Block Party, which is a party that Fayetteville throws itself.  It was pretty hot and sunny out, so we didn't stay long.  I didn't have the proper identification to get into the beer gardens, anyway, and I'm a year or so away from being able to enjoy the childrens' activities.

  • Stayed in the church nursery on Sunday morning for the first time.  Everyone said I did just fine, and I'm looking forward to going back most Sunday mornings.
  • Have been to a couple of dinner parties.  Our friends apparently love getting together to eat.  This is completely fine by me. 

  • Attended an Arkansas Naturals baseball game.  Box seats, obviously, thanks to Melissa Corn.  I had fun being passed around and there were so many things to watch.  I made it to about the 6th inning before falling asleep in my stroller.

  • Celebrated the 4th of July (on the 3rd of July) with friends.  Accidentally fell asleep before the fireworks. 

  • Celebrated lots of birthdays!  My buddy James turned 1 but I was in Memphis and couldn't attend.  I was able to go to Noah's 2nd birthday, Jade's 2nd birthday, and Gunter's 1st birthday.  Mom said you only get to eat cake on your own birthday, but I suspect she was fibbing.

  • Am still enjoying going to the Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.  Now I sit forward facing in the stroller, so I can see so much more.  I watch the music performers and the adoptable dogs walking around.
  • Went to the pool for the first time!  Our friend Jenica invited us over and I got to dip my feet and hands in.  My swim diapers and float have since been purchased, so next time I can really get in and enjoy the water.

Monday, May 13, 2013

3 Months

Stats:  At 16 weeks, I'm 13lbs 15oz (50%), 24.5 inches (50%).  In size 3-6m in most clothing, but pants this size can still be a tad big.  It just depends on the brand. 
Days:  Waking up around 6:30 or 7:00, eating, and back down for a nap around 8:00.  Eating about every three hours or so, for a total of 24 ounces.  Taking about four naps a day.  We go on play dates sometimes, and we're starting to go to the library.  We've been hanging out with Noah and Wren, and I have a walking date lined up with Katie this week.  We go on a two mile stroll around the neighborhood most days.
The Physical:  I can stand about five minutes of tummy time on my play mat.  It's not my favorite thing.  I'd rather lay on my back and play with the toys.  I have really good head control and people have commented on my nice posture.  I seem really far away from rolling over, but it'll happen eventually.  I'm grabbing things more confidently and holding on tightly, including my toes.  I'd rather be up on my legs with you holding onto me than just about any other position.  Being held up in the air like an airplane is also a huge hit with me.
The Verbal:  I'm getting really chatty lately.  I like to hear my voice and I'll make noises when you talk to me.  I let out a high pitch squeak every now and then.  I laugh a lot, and I smile at most people I meet.
Toys:  I'm starting to notice toys a little more.  I love sitting in the bouncy seat and swatting at the toys above me, and kicking my legs to make myself bounce.  I can tolerate the swing for small amounts of time, especially when I'm sleepy.  The play mat is hit or miss.
Baths:  Loving bath time.  I may fuss when I'm getting undressed, but I quiet down once I'm in the tub.  Chances are, I'm going to pee on you if you're the one putting me in the tub. 
Nights:  After a bath and bottle, Dad reads a chapter to me from my Storybook Bible.  I lay in the Rock N Play and smile and coo at him.  I still like to be swaddled, but Mom and Dad attempt to let me sleep unswaddled here and there.  It takes me longer to get settled down, but I guess I can't go off to college with a swaddle so I'm working on figuring it out.  The sleep sack is my compromise with them.  I still wake up to eat around 3:00 about half the time

Week 16 Roundup

Time to recap a little of what we've been up to around here, according to Barton.

So far this spring, I:
  • Went to a Super Bowl party at two weeks old with about 30 friends.  I slept the whole time, even through the BeyoncĂ© half time show.  I'll have to catch it on YouTube because I heard it was epic.
  • Went to the Dickson Street St. Patrick's Day parade.  Bagpipes are loud.  Men wear skirts.
  • Met former Razorback basketball coach Nolan Richardson in the freezer section at Walmart.  Brrrrr.
  • Traveled to White Hall for the first time to celebrate Easter.  Met aunts, uncles, cousin, and great grandmother DeJarnette for the first time.  We stopped by the Johnson's house on the way there and I got to meet my buddy Gunter.
  • Had a visit from Bevy and Pawpaw for Mom's birthday weekend.  Mom and Dad went to a Fayetteville Future Fund crawfish boil and baseball game without me (rude), but we all went to the opening weekend of the Fayetteville Farmers Market together (awesome).
  • Went to Mom's former office and met the people she used to work with.  She packed up her desk and will be staying at home with me for a while.  Woohoo!
  • Was invited to my first crawfish boil/Arkansas Derby watch party.  I got a little sun on my balding head, everyone held me, and I slept right through the absurdly loud screams of the men who'd put money on ponies.
  • Went to Fossil Cove Brewery for the first time with Mom, Dad, and our friend Troy.  Wasn't allowed to taste any beer.  Lame.  Told Troy to bring me something cool from his European adventure.
  • Attended the Razorback spring Red/White game.  I was so good the whole time.  Crowds fascinate me.
  • Took my first stroll on the Fayetteville trail system.  Pretty sure this is required in order to remain in good standing with the city. 
  • Attended a going away party for our friend Josh at US Pizza with about 25 of my closest.  Everyone held me.  I was really well behaved, of course, because I love people watching.  Next time, they'd better share the pizza.
  • Ventured out to Baum Stadium to watch a Razorback baseball game.  Everyone said I was so cute in my baseball onesie (thanks, Aunt Janice!) and shorts.  One of the gate attendants identified my potential and gave me a baseball so I can start practicing my skills.
  • Went to my first class at the public library.  I should have gone to the Infant class, but snuck into the Toddler class instead because my friend Noah invited me.  I liked the books about ducks, but couldn't keep up with the Hokey Pokey so I think I'd better send myself to the Infant class for a while to learn some fundamentals. 
  • Was NOT invited to the 4th Annual Couples Bunco/Derby Drunko party, so Mimi and Pop came to stay with me.  Mom and Dad were gone for about five hours, the longest they've been away, but we all survived.  Mom says mint juleps helped.
  • Met my Pa (great-granddad Bridges) for the first time as he traveled through town on the way to turkey hunt in Kansas.  He wanted to take me with him, but Mom is a party pooper and said no.
  • Made my first trip to Memphis to see Bevy, Pawpaw, Aunt Blakely, Uncle Dan, and the cousins.  Mary Blake and Janey loved holding me, but Daniel didn't exactly acknowledge my presence.  Two years olds are a tough crowd.  I also got to meet Nelia, Downie, and Catherine.  On the way back to Fayetteville, we had lunch with Mimi, Nan, and Pa, and our friend Clint stopped by to meet me for the first time.